From January 31th till February 3th, 2025 eLABa hardware and software updates will be perfomed. During the system upgrade, it will no be possible to upload data to eLABa repository and generate reports. Virtual libraries will not have access to ETD ir PDB text files stored in the eLABa repository.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
A new version of eLABa ETD / PDB 1.37 was released on November 20th, 2024.
Šių metų kovo 20 d. į gamybinę aplinką įdiegta eLABa talpyklos 1.36 versija, pataisytas 1.35 versijos pokytis, atlikti kiti pakeitimai ir klaidų taisymai.
1.36 versijos pokyčiai: tarpinstitucinėms publikacijoms gal būti įvestas papildomas „Pretenzijų laikotarpis“, kurio metu bendradarbiaujančių institucijų atstovas (-ai) eLABa talpyklos aplinkoje gali įrašyti pretenzijas eLABa dokumento aprašo...
A new version of eLABa ETD / PDB 1.35 was released on November 29th, 2023.
Last update
2024-05-03 15:09
On November 29 th, 2023, from 6 PM till 10 PM eLABa application software updates will be performed and version 1.35 for eLABa repository will be installed. We ask not to register data to eLABa repository at this time.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

We inform you that from August 17 planned hardware and software upgrades of virtual libraries based on Primo are being carried out. Virtual libraries are not available during the system upgrade. For searches in library catalogs, placing hold requests of books, and renewals of holds we recommend using electronic catalogs of libraries based on the library system Aleph. Preliminary, the system...
On July 5th, 2023, from 6 PM till 10 PM eLABa application software updates will be performed and version 1.34 for eLABa repository will be installed. We ask not to register data to eLABa repository at this time.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
SFX 4.10.24 (June 2023) version has been installed on the 14th of June, 2023, on the SFX server located in the data center of Kaunas University of Technology. Subscribed and open access resources for Lithuanian students and scientists are provided using link resolver system SFX, developed by Ex Libris (Israel).
SFX 4.10.23 (March 2023) version has been installed on the 14th of March, 2023, on the SFX server located in the data center of Kaunas University of Technology. Subscribed and open access resources for Lithuanian students and scientists are provided using link resolver system SFX, developed by Ex Libris (Israel).
A new version of eLABa ETD / PDB 1.33 was released on February 1th, 2023.
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