Representatives of eLABa Consortium Administering Institution Met with Ombudsman for Academic Ethics and Procedures of the Republic of Lithuania

eLABa Administering Institution coordinator dr. Ž. Petrauskienė, VU E-Learning and Examination Centre director dr. S. Preidys and project manager R. Rupeikienė met with Ombudsman for Academic Ethics and Procedures of the Republic of Lithuania dr. Vigilijus Sadauskas on the 23rd of September, 2015.

It was presented eLABa system and its functions, as well as documents coincidence detection subsystem EPAS during the meeting. It were discussed about possibilities for the Office of the Ombudsman to access eLABa accumulated scientific production (publications, doctoral dissertations, studies graduate works and other material).

During the meeting, the eLABa representatives emphasized that, according to the regulations of eLABa, each consortium institution is its data proprietor and manager, so there is no legal basis and legal possibilities to provide data about documents coincidence in a centralized way.

The Ombudsman, in order to contribute to the research and study quality using plagiarism prevention measures as well as promoting the efficient use of budget funds, called the higher education and research institutions to cooperate with The Ombudsman in dealing with academic ethics and procedural violations related problems, and to make eLABa to become the centralized and the most informative, and the largest electronic library.
