Regarding the Creation and Registration of an Institutional Domain Name

At the eLABa Consortium Board meeting on 2017 March 7  was agreed that for each eLABa institution which is interested for eLABa-related institutional services: institutional virtual libraries, institutional repositories (based on eLABa repository), Google Scholar and OAI-PMH protocols and, if necessary, other eLABa-related institutional services which have institutional domains.

Such URLs are required for the various open access e-object indexing systems and search engines, such as Google Scholar, OpenAIRE, etc., could uniquely identify which specific institution e-object belongs to.

On the other hand, various online rating systems for institution ratings are also used by links to various online services such as Google Scholar, with institutional domains.

If the institution wishes to create URLs to eLABa related institutional services with an institution's domain, for example, "", please create and register the required institutional domain name (hereinafter referred to as "IDV") in the institution the Domain Name System.  We recommend creating the required IDV by adding the "vb." to the front of the institution's domain (for example, ""). So created IDV as a synonym for the current short name of your current institution's virtual library (for example, "") should be registered in the institution domain name structure, creating an appropriate CNAME record, for example , " CNAME".

Created and registered IDV (for example, ""), please send by email to  as soon as possible, but not later than by 15 August, 2017.

Using your IDV, we will reorganize the links to the eLABa-related institutional services (virtual library, institutional repository based on eLABa repository, Google Scholar, OAI-PMH protocols and, if necessary, other eLABa related institutional services), and we will inform you about this.

If you have uncertainties regarding the creation or registration of the IDV, we would request that you send them by e-mail to  or call +370 698 75 791.

We kindly ask you to inform by email   whether this information is actual for your institution. If actual - please specify when you are going to send your signed and registered IDV.
